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JULY 2024

23 JULY 2024


Sorry, it has been a very long time between updates! There's always a lot happening here at Woolloomooloo and it is amazing to see God work in mighty ways. Please come and join us for Sunday Breakfasts (9 am), followed by Church (10 am). Also remember our weekly Bible Study on Tuesday (1 pm). Come down, visit, and check it all out during the week with all that happens with HopeStreet! Blessya



12 NOVEMBER 2023


We've been here for 40 Years! And we want you to join us to celebrate!

Sunday, 12 November, 10 AM

Mary McDonald Centre, Woolloomooloo

(Google Maps)

We would love you to join us as we give thanks to God for His faithfulness to the Church and the community - Come and share some memories from the past 40 years. Then join us for lunch afterwards.

Please RSVP to Pastor Ken or Sam

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Coming up to our 40 YEAR anniversary (Sunday, 12 November) - Here is a great article about the 40 years that Woolloomooloo Baptist Church has been serving God and the community! How we serve the community through Church, with HopeStreet, and with other Baptist Churches during Sunday Breakfast. Thanks so much.


OurStory - 40 Years Strong: Woolloomooloo Baptist Church



13 DECEMBER 2022


What a year! We thank God for the wonderful year that Woolloomooloo Baptist Church has had. Numbers for Sunday Breakfast and Church have steadily increased, Tuesday Bible Study has been kicking along, we've had outings, memberships and just a great time along the way. We're looking forward to celebrating Christmas with the community (9 am Breakfast and Church at 9:30). HopeStreet has a lot going on as well, check out the Facebook Page (@hopestreetinnercity)

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18 OCTOBER 2022


We have made some minor updates to the website! We want to send out a BIG thank you to all the Churches that help out with Breakfast and Church! Check out our thank you page! We also want to thank our musicians: Shirley and Jim (From Central Baptist) who come fortnightly - They are wonderful and we love the music and singing. Get in contact with us if you are a musician and you want to join us!


April 2022

21 APRIL 2022


Sorry for the lack of recent updates! It has been great to be back and open for Sunday Church, Breakfast and mid-week Bible Studies. We celebrated a beautiful Easter weekend together - As we remembered the death, and celebrated the resurrection, of Jesus, Lord and Saviour. Numbers are building! We praise God for the resilient, and wonderful, Woolloomooloo Community. God Bless.


2022 Update

17 JANUARY 2022


Hi all ... Happy New Year! Have a great, blessed and safe 2022, from all of us here at Woolloomooloo Baptist Church!

It has been a rocky start to 2022, due to the major increase in COVID cases here in Sydney, and Woolloomooloo. We decided to pause Sunday Breakfast and move Church back to ZOOM (online) only, for the time being. This will help us best keep the community safe and to continue to assess the health and safety risks. We will keep you up to date, and please contact us. Stay safe, God Bless.





Well done Sydney, and New South Wales, such great vaccination rates! Let's keep it up! We are excited! Sunday, 7 November at 9 am, we are having our first Sunday Brekky (Breakfast) since June, coming out of lockdown! Brekky will be followed by Church at 10 am, with limited numbers onsite and via ZOOM. We are strictly following all COVID health and safety requirements. Thank you to our wonderful Baptist Church friends who prepare and serve breakfast. Thank you to all the team. Blessya!


Meeting in the Middle

17 August 2021


We (Sydney) are still in lockdown and will be until at least the end of August. Please continue to pray for the community of Woolloomooloo and Woolloomooloo Baptist Church. We will continue to have our Sunday Service on ZOOM, but if you would like to connect with us during the week (on Wednesdays). Please contact us. Meeting in the Middle is a time when we can catch-up, pray together, learn about God, and each other. We are currently working through a discipleship study on the Names and Titles of Jesus! We would love for you to join us.

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